Dictionary of the Coins of the World [J] J Jacobus
- A variant name for the unite.
A former gold coin of England issued by James I. {1605-1615:
Latinized equivalent of James after James I who first introduced the coin.} [England] Jaquesa
- A Spanish copper coin referred to in ordinances issued in the 14th century.
It probably received its name from the city of Jaca which at one time was the
captial of Aragon. Some writers claim that it was first issued by Sancho
Ramirez I (1053-1094) of Aragon. {From Spanish jaquesa
from Jaca, capital of Aragon.} [Spain] Jawa
- [Nepal] Jedid
- [Egypt] Jedid
Eshrefî Altin - [Egypt] Jew
Pfennigs - A name given to private copper tokens of pfennig size, struck in Frankfurt during the first two
decades of the 19th century. They were declared illegal in 1823. [German
States-Frankfurt] Jiao
- A copper-zinc coin and monetary unit of the People's Republic of China valued
at the tenth part of a yuan and
equal to 10 fen. Also chiao. {1970-1975: From
Chinese jiao} [China-People's
Republic] Jital Joannes - Variant name of the johannes. Johannes
- Plural johannes. A gold coin
formerly used as currency in Portugal It was first issued in the early 18th
century. Also joannes. {1750-1760:
After the name joannes (John V of Portugal) in the coins legend.} [Portugal] Judenkopfgroschen
- A groschen struck in Saxon
Thuringia during the 15th century which depicted a man's head with beard and
pointed cap. In that era most Gentiles were clean-shaven while Jewish men went
bearded. {From German juden
Jew's + kopf head + groschen groschen.} [German
States-Saxon Thuringia] Jules
- [Avignon] Justo
- A gold coin of John II of Portugal (1481-1495) of the same weight oas the cruzado. On the reverse, the ruler is
seated on his throne, in armor. {From Portuguese
justo justice from Latin iustus justice; the first word in the
reverse legend (IVSTVS: SICVT: PALMA: FLOREBIT). [Portugal]