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Dictionary of the Coins of the World [I]

This is an ongoing work (one of those never-ending projects) consisting of a compilation of all known names used for coins from the ancient times to the present. Where possible, a description of coins of that name is given, as well as the most likely origin of the name, including translations. In many cases, links are made to pages which will show various examples of that denomination. Obviously, the images not all-inclusive but hopefully will give the user an idea of what some of the coin denominations looked like and how coins of the same name differ from country to country and through time.


Ichibu Gin -


Imadi Riyal - [Yemen Arab Republic]

Imperial - A gold 22 ducat coin struck in Bologna under Charles V of Spain in 1530.  The obverse has the bust of Charles, and the reverse has the Pillers of Hercules.

[Italian States-Bologna]

Inchiquin Money - Emergency money minted in the 1640's in Ireland, consisting of crude lumps of metal stamped with their weight.


Inn-gold Ducat - A gold ducat of Bavaria struck under Maximilian III Joseph (1745-1777) until Louis I (1825-1848).

[German States-Bavaria]

Isar-gold Ducat - A gold ducat of Bavaria struck under Maximilian III Joseph (1745-1777) until Louis I (1825-1848).

[German States-Bavaria]

Isshu Gin -

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