Dictionary of the Coins of the World [F] F Fals
- An Arabic copper coin. {From Arabic fals
from Late Greek phollis a small coin, from Late Latin follis
moneybag, bellows, leather.} [Caliphates,
Iraq] Falus
- Plural of fals. [India-Mughal, India-Independent
Kingdom, Mesopotamia] Fan
- Variant form of fen. Fanam
- A gold or silver coin of southern India. A silver coin of Travencore worth
1/8 rupee issued until Indian
independence in 1947. {Probably
modification of Tamil panam, probably from Sanskrit pana bet,
reward, or wealth.} [India-Dutch,
India-Independent Kingdom, Indian States-Tranvencore] Fannam
- Farthing
- A small silver and later copper coin valued at one-fourth of a penny. In
1279, Edward I (ruled 1272-1307) initiated a coinage reform throughout
England. Prior to 1279, the only coin in circulation had been the penny. The reform introduced three
more denominations. These were the groat
(valued at four pennies), the halfpenny, and the farthing. The
farthing was small (only 10
millimeters in diameter) and very light (it weighed slightly more than 0.4
gram). The types and designs were identical to the pennyCin
a sense, the halfpenny and farthing were simply miniatures of the penny. The obverse has the facing
portrait of the king surrounded by a Latin legend proclaiming him king of
England, France and Hibernia (Ireland). The portrait itself changed very
little from reign to reign, so to the inexperienced person, it tells nothing as
to who the ruler is. The reverse has a long cross dividing the coin into four
quarters. In each of the four angles of the cross there are three pellets. An
inscription in Latin encircles the cross, giving the name of the minting city. The
farthing was minted in virtually
unchanged form (with the exceptions of slight modifications of the portrait and
the changing of the rulers name) until the time of Henry VIII (ruled
1509-1547). The size remained the same, but by now, the weight was just under
0.25 gram. During the reign of Edward VI (ruled 1547-1553) a limited number of
farthings were struck. These
were under 9 millimeters in diameter and now of base issue. Coinage
of the farthing ceased for almost
three-quarters of a century. It was resumed under James I (ruled 1603-1625)
but by know it had lost all silver content and was struck entirely in copper.
Its diameter varied between 13 and 17 millimeters. The obverse bore a crown
and two scepters and the reverse featured a crowned harp. During
the commonwealth (1649-1660) the farthing
took on a new appearance. The obverse now portrayed the ruler in profile form
and the reverse had a crowned shield. (After the commonwealth, the reverse
type was changed to that of Britannia seated on a rock with the date at her
feet). The diameter was now between 23 and 25 millimeters. This farthing was minted until 1859 when,
during the reign of Victoria (ruled 1837-1901), the diameter was reduced to 20
millimeters. The types, however remained the same. In
1947 George VI (ruled 1936-1952) instituted a coinage reform that ended the
minting of silver coins in favor of those of cupro-nickel. The farthing had been changed ten years
prior to that, in 1937. In that year, the Britannia type, which had graced the
reverse of all British copper pieces since 1672, was abandoned in favor of that
of a wren. Britain
adopted the decimal coinage system in 1971, but the low value of the farthing had caused the cessation of
its minting in 1956. {From Old
English feortha a fourth part.} [England,
Great Britain, Ireland, Jamaica, South Africa, Sri Lanka] Félins
- A coin worth 1/640 marc. Fels
- Variant form of fals Fen
- Variant form of candareen. An
aluminum coin and monetary unit of the People's Republic of China. It is the
hundredth part of a yuan and the
tenth part of a jiao. {From Chinese
(Pekingese) fęi. Fen to divide.} [China] Fenig
- [Poland] Fenigow
- [Poland] Ferrandino
- Also ferandino. A double
denomination as both silver and gold coins were issued by that name. They were
issues of Ferdinand I of Naples (1458-1494). {From Italian Ferrandino
Ferdinand (I of Naples).} [Italian States-Naples] Fettmännnchen
- A six- or eight-heller piece
used on the Lower Rhine during the 17th century. {From German fett
fat + männ man + chen little fellow. Little fat man???} [German
States] Fewreysen
- Filippo
- A silver coin equal to 100 soldi. [Italian States] Filler
- A Hungarian coin worth 1/100 krona
before 1925, 1/100 pengö from
1925 to 1946, and 1/100 forint
from 1946 on. {From Hungarian fillér
from Middle High German vierer type of coin, equivalent to vier
four + er er; a fourer piece (piece of four).} [Hungary] Fillers
- Plural of filler. Fils
- A coin and monetary unit of Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, and the People's
Democratic Republic of Yemen, equal to the hundreth part of a dinar. Also, a bronze coin of the
United Arab Emirates equal to the hundredth part of a dirham. Also, an aluminum coin and monetary unit of the
Yemen Arab Republic equal to the hundredth part of a riyal. {From Arabic fils
fals from Late Greek phollis a small coin, from Late Latin follis
money bag. See folles.} [Iraq,
Jordan, Kuwait, Yemen] Finkenaugen
- A very debased version of the brandenburg
denar struck in Pomerania during the 14th century. This coin had almost
no silver in it. [Holy
Roman Empire] Fiorino
- [Italian States-Messerano] Flindrich
- [German States] Flippi
- Plural of flippo. Flippo
- [Italian States] Flitter
- A small 17th century copper coin minted in the German States of Brunswick, Mansfeld, Lippe,
Hohnstein, Einbeck, etc. It's value varied from state to state but was usually
equivalent to half a pfennig. In parts of Brunswick it was worth as much as two pfennig
whereas in states like Mansfeld and Lippe it was equivalent to one pfennig. {From German flitter
glitter, sparkling sequins.} [German
States-Brunswick, German States-Lippe, German States-Hohnstein, German States-Einbeck,
German States-Mansfeld] Florin
- Originally a gold piece of Florence, Italy, first coined in 1253 as the
equivalent of 240 silver denarii.
As the denaro shrank in value,
the florin rose by comparison.
By the 14th century the gold florin
had become well established in Germany where it was know as the gulden or goldgulden. An
English gold coin first minted in 1344 equal to 6 shillings and weighing 108 grains. Also
the name of a silver coin worth two shillings
minted in Great Britain and her colonies. [Aruba,
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, East Africa, Fiji Islands, French States,
Great Britain, Ireland, Italian States-Florence, Malawi, Netherlands, New
Zealand, Reckheim, South Africa, Switzerland-Catons] Florin
d'or - [Liege, French
States, Italian States, Netherlands, S'Heerenberg] Florino
- [Italian States] Forint
- [Hungary] Follari - Plural of follaro. Follaro
- [Italian States-Sicily and others] Folles
- Plural of follis. Follis
- A coin introduced during the monetary reforms of Diocletian in 296. It was
of bronze with a light wash of silver. It was discontinued in about 325. Also
the name of a bronze coin used in the Byzantine Empire. {From Late Latin
from Latin follis bag.} [Roman
Empire, Byzantine Empire] Fort
d'or - A gold coin of Aquitaine struck under Charles (1468-1474). The obverse
shows Charles standing with a leopard, and the reverse has the arms on a cross. Forte
- A Portuguese word meaning strong or solid and used in a sense of fineness to
denote certain coins of Ferdinand I (1367-1383). It actually is not a coin
denomination, as it was used only to distiguish coins of good silver content
from those of baser metal. {From Portuguese
forte strong or solid.} Franc
- An old French gold coin first struck in 1360. An old French silver coin
issued from 1575 to 1641. The basic monetary unit established in modern France
during the Revolution. {From Middle
English from Middle French franc from Middle Latin Francus
Frenchman in Francorum Rex, King of the Franks, the legend on the 14th
century francs.} Former monetary
unit of Albania. {From Albanian frëngë
from French franc franc.} A monetary unit
of Morocco equal to one-hundreth of a dirham. [Albania,
Austria, Avignon, Belgium, France, French States, Katanga, Luxembourg, Monaco,
Morocco, Somalia, Sweden, Switzerland-Cantons, Switzerland, Tunisia, West
African States, Yugoslavia, Zaire] Franc
ŕ Cheval - A gold coin valued at 20 sou
issued by Jean II to commemorate his release from captivity in England after
the Battle of Poitiers. The obverse featured a knight on a horse, and the
obverse a floriated cross in a quatrefoil. {From French franc
franc + cheval knight.} [France] Franc
ŕ Pied - A gold coin of Flanders, struck under Louis de Male (1346-1384). The
obverse has the ruler standing, and the reverse show a floriated cross in a
quatrefoil. {From French franc
franc + pied feet (on feet
or standing).} Francescone
- Silver coin of Tuscany, issued after 1737 when Tuscany was under the Austrian
Hapsburgs. It had a value of 10 paoli. [Austro-Hungarian] Franchi
- [Switzerland-Cantons] Franco
- [Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Switzerland-Cantons] Frang
- [Luxembourg] Frang
Ar - [Albania] Franga
Ari Frank
- [German States, Switzerland-Cantons] Franken
- [Belgium, Saarland (Germany-West), Switzerland-Cantons,
Switzerland] Freidrich
d'Or - The Prussian pistole or 5-thaler piece, struck from 1750 to
1855. Its original fine gold weight was 1/35 mark or 6.68 grams. Although the
gold content shrank to 6.03 grams after 1770, the freidrich d'or became equivalent to 5 2/3 silver thalers through simultaneous debasement
of the subsidiary coinage. [Holy
Roman Empire] Friesacher
Pfennig - A denar struck by the
archbishops of Salzburg at their mint of Friesach in Carinthia from about 1125
to 1300. Because of its fine silver content, this coin was widely copied by
the neighboring rulers. {From German Friesach
Friesach + er [a coin] of, referring to the place the coin was minted.} [Austrian??] Fuang
- [Thailand] Fuenfer
- Piece of 5 (pfennig, kreuzers, or
groschen). Also 15th century
Swiss bracteate worth 5 hallers. {From German fuenfer
fiver.} [German
States, Switzerland-Cantons] Fueng
- [Thailand] Fun
- Japanese unit of weight equal to 1/10 momme which is about 0.375 grams
or 5.79 grains. [Japan,
Korea] Furstengroschen
- {From German fürsten
prince's + groschen groschen
a prince's groschen} [German States] Fyrk
- The Swedish half ortug,
produced under Sten Sture the Elder (1470-1479) [Sweden]