Before proceeding to notice the series of coins struck by the sole monarchs, it may be as well to
describe a few coins, which bear the names of St. Peter, St. Martin, or St. Edmund, and which were
struck by virtue of authority for that purpose granted to particular Abbots. Their exact date, or the
circumstances under which they were struck, is matter of conjecture. Those with the name of St.
Peter have been called Peter pence, and absurdly supposed to have been struck for the purpose of
paying to Rome the tribute which bore that name. These are all of silver, of the size and form of
pennies, and were struck at York; a comparison of Rud. xii. 1. with the penny of Eric, xi. 1, will satisfy
most readers that the two coins were probably cotemporary.
The types of these coins are,
- A sword across the field, to the right or to the left between two rows of letters, intended for an
abbreviation of Sancti Petri moneta; between the letters of the lower line is some unknown object.
Rev. Cross with a pellet in each quarter; the legend on all the types is Eboraci or York, more or less
abbreviated and corrupted (132). Rud. xii. 1, 2, 3, 4. MB 4.
- Similar, omitting the unknown object, which, however forms the type of the reverse (133). Rud. xii.
5. C. 13. MB 2.
- Similar to last. Rev. a hammer, which has been sometimes called a long cross, xxix. 28. A variety with
sword point to the left, and no dots in the field (134). MB.
- The saint's name, &c. without the sword. Rev. cross patonce, xii. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. xxix. 27.
MB 14.
- Another reverse consists of a monogram; with what meaning is not known; it was probably taken
from a French coin of one of the Charles's, without any meaning, unless perhaps the abbot's name
may have been Charles, xxx. 3.
- An open hand. Rev. a similar monogram (135). Rud. xxx. 1. E. 3. MB. 1.
- A head in profile. Rev. similar monogram (136). Rud. xxx. 2. E. 2. MB. 1.
- A hammer. Rev. bow and arrow (137) f. 2. MB. 1.
These three last are very rare, the others rather less so. It should be remarked that the legends upon
some of these coins, especially Rud xxx. 1, 2, 4, and (135), are so rude and blundered, that it can
scarcely be asserted that either St. Peter or York are intended; indeed an ingenious writer in the
Numismatic Chronicle, vol. ii. p. 10, considers that the legend of the obverse is a blundered reading of
Regnald; upon f. 4. he reads Earic fecit; and he assigns these coins to Regnald King of Northumberland.
I am not quite prepared to concur in the appropriation. The legend of the obverses I abandon as
unintelligible; those of all the reverses I consider to be blundered attempts at Eboraci, and the types
are closely linked with those of the coins which undoubtedly bear the name of St. Peter.
Northumberland - Eric |
Table of Contents |
Saints - Martin and Edmund