The Silver Coins of England
Edward Hawkins, 1841
Saints - Martin and Edmund
Table of Contents
Saint Martin.
Of Saint Martin's pennies nothing more is known than the specimens here described can tell; viz. that
they bear the name of St Martin and the city of Lincoln, LINCOIA CIVIT, where they were struck about
the same time probably as those of St. Peter and of Eric, having the sword lying across the field, as
upon those pieces. The reverse consists of a cross with a cruciform compartment. (138). Rud. xii.
MB. 1. Wt. 17 5/10. The only other known specimen was purchased at Mr. Hollis's sale for
£3..3s, for Mr. Dimsdale, at whose sale it was purchased for £3..6s. by Mr. Rich, from whom it passed
to its present possessor Mr. Cuff. It differs from the above only in the reading INCOIA CIVT.
Saint Edmund.
Edward the confessor granted, in 1066, a mint to the Abbot of St. Edmundsbury, but it is not clear that
one had not been established there before; indeed the pennies, bearing the name of Eadmund, and
supposed to have been struck there, are of a date anterior, at least as early as those of St. Peter and
St. Martin, or about 950. The type upon all is much the same; the letter A on one side; a cross on the
other. The saint's name varies from SC EAD. to SCE EADMVND REX. A moneyer's name appears on
each reverse, but no place of mintage, because, as is supposed, that was sufficiently indicated by the
name of the saint. (139). Rud. xii. 1-6 D. 23. MB. 10.

*** While this sheet is actually in the press a few coins have appeared, part
of a large parcel which has been discovered in Cuerdale, Lancashire. They consist chiefly of the coins
of Charles the Bald, Alfred, and St. Edmund, proving the correctness of the conjecture respecting the
date of those pieces. Among them is a halfpenny of St. Edmund, of which we here give an impression
from the coin itself.
Saints - Peter |
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Archbishops - Canterbury - Jaenbrht
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