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The Silver Coins of England

Edward Hawkins, 1841

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In dismissing this work to the public, the author has great pleasure in acknowledging the readiness with which assistance has been afforded to him from every collector, without exception, to whom he has had occasion to refer. Not only during the process of the present work, but during a long course of years whenever his numismatic pursuits have induced him to seek for access to any collection of coins or medals, the permission has been granted with a readiness and liberality, which he has the greatest gratification in recording. For assistance afforded in the present undertaking he is peculiarly indebted to Sir Henry Ellis, K. H., who, amidst his extensive researches in English History, has never failed to note every thing which would illustrate our national coinage; to J. D. Cuff, whose collection of coins is exceedingly numerous and valuable, whose knowledge is peculiarly minute and accurate, and whose stores of information have been communicated with the utmost freedom and liberality; to the Rev. K. E. Shepherd, whose valuable assistance will be perceived in the the account of the coins of the three Henries, and whose research into that obscure period is a proof and a specimen of the accurate and minute attention, which he has bestowed upon our coinages, and the successful result to which he has pushed his investigations.

The coins described from the Museum collection are indicated by the letters MB. those from private collections by the names of the respective owners in italic capitals. The numbers within brackets are references to the figures engraved in the present work.

The author has to apologize for rather a long list of errata, they are such as could scarcely be have been discovered by any care of the printer, and for which he must therefore be himself considered responsible; those who have had most experience of the dull and wearisome labour of correcting the press, especially in a work dealing so extensively in references and figures as the present, will be most easily appeased, and will be most ready to accept the apology of the author.

British Museum,
New year's day, 1841.

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