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The Silver Coins of England

Edward Hawkins, 1841
Kings of Mercia - Ciolwlf

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Ciolwlf, 874.

Ciolwlf was the minister of Burgred, and when this king was driven from his throne, seized upon the government and held the reins for a short time, till his own expulsion terminated the independence of Mercia. The coins assigned to him are very rare, and the peculiarity of workmanship, by which they are distinguished, has been already discussed, page 27. They have on the obverse, the head of the king; on the reverse.
  1. A plain cross with a pellet opposite each limb, and a crescent opposite each angle like Coenwulf, (72). Rud. vii. 1.
  2. A lozenge containing a cross from each corner of which issues a cross, the long limb extending to the edge of the coin. Rud. vii. 2. compare this with Alfred's (176).
  3. The letter A. (87) Rud. xxix. 17. This is the coin which has the peculiar H noticed page 28. It was found at Dorking, was successively Mr. Dewdney's, Mr. Young's, Mr. Cuff's, Mr. Rich's, at whose sale it was purchased for the Museum for £2..15s. Se also Rud. xxvii.
  4. Cross crosslet, Archaeol. vol. xxiii. pl. xxxiii. 16. Rud. d. 22.

  5. TAI and cross, being the termination fo the legend DOROBERNIA CIBITAS. Archaeol. f. 15. Rud. C. 11. CUFF/ This is the coin noticed on page 28 as being assigned to this usurper on account of the peculiar form of the letter S and bearing the name of Dorobernia, Canterbury. As Baldred was king, or at least viceroy of Kent during the whole reign of Ceolwlf, it did not appear probable that any coins of his could be struck at Canterbury. The state however of the kingdoms of the Heptarchy was so involved in tumults and changes, and historical records are so imperfect, that, though improbable, it is not impossible, that he may have struck coins there; and consequently the argument, that this piece was struck by Ciolwlf, rests principally upon the peculiarity of its workmanship. It is scarcely necessary to observe that the spelling of the king's name upon these disputed coins, is not alone a sufficient ground for separating them, as the change of one vowel for another is of very frequent occurrence in Saxon money.

    Mercia - Burgred | Table of Contents | East Angles - Beonna and Ethelred

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