Sprig of leaves with horizontal lines to left
EΛΛHNIKH ΔHMOKPATIA (Democratic Republic of Greece) around ΔPX 20 date
Facing bust of Dionysus Solomos, the composer of the Greek National Anthem
O Sprig of leaves with horizontal lines to left EΛΛHNIKH ΔHMOKPATIA (Democratic Republic of Greece) around ΔPX 20 date R Facing bust of Dionysus Solomos, the composer of the Greek National Anthem Δ ΣOΛOMOΣ O Ocean of six waves, partial border of dots within water below EΛΛHNIKH ΔHMOKPATIA (Democratic Republic of Greece) around 50 ΔPAXMAI date R Beared head of Solon, Archon of Athens, left ΣOΛΩM O Galley with sails and oars sailing right EΛΛHNIKH ΔHMOKPATIA (Democratic Republic of Greece) around 50 date ΔPAXMEΣ R Bearded head of Homer left OMHPOΣ O Circle with inner circle having sixteen alternating long and short rays EΛΛHNIKH ΔHMOKPATIA (Democratic Republic of Greece) around date BEPΓINA 100 ΔPAXMEΣ R Horned head of Alexander the Great right MEΓAΣ AΛEΞANΔPOΣ BAΣIΛEYΣ MAKEΔONΩN (Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia)Coins of Greece