Legend around denomination, date below
EΛΛHNIKH ΔHMOKPATIA (Democratic Republic of Greece) around 5 ΔPAXMAI (DRACHMAI) date
Bearded head of Aristotle left
APIΣTOTEΛH&Sigma (Aristotle)
O Legend around denomination, date below EΛΛHNIKH ΔHMOKPATIA (Democratic Republic of Greece) around 5 ΔPAXMAI (DRACHMAI) date R Bearded head of Aristotle left APIΣTOTEΛH&Sigma (Aristotle) O Legend around denomination, date below EΛΛHNIKH ΔHMOKPATIA (Democratic Republic of Greece) around 5 ΔPAXMEΣ (DRACHMES) date R Bearded head of Aristotle left APIΣTOTEΛH&Sigma (Aristotle) O Atom with three electrons orbiting EΛΛHNIKH ΔHMOKPATIA (Democratic Republic of Greece) around 10 ΔPAXMAI (DRACHMAI) date R Bearded head of Demokritos left ΔHMOKPITOΣ O Atom with three electrons orbiting EΛΛHNIKH ΔHMOKPATIA (Democratic Republic of Greece) around 10 ΔPAXMEΣ (DRACHMES) date R Bearded head of Demokritos left ΔHMOKPITOΣ O Four-columned temple with legend around EΛΛHNIKH ΔHMOKPATIA (Democratic Republic of Greece) around ΔPAXMAI (DRACHMAI) 20 date R Helmeted and bearded head of Pericles left ΠEPIKΛHΣCoins of Greece