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The Copper, Tin, and Broze Coinage of England
H Montagu, F.S.A, , 1893
Legends and Inscriptions

Index to Legends and Inscriptions

The numbers following the names of the sovereigns refer to the numbers of the coin as described in the foregoing work. The word patt. is prefixed when such coin is a pattern and has been separately described under that head. It has not been thought necessary to include the ordinary names or titles of the sovereigns in this Index.

A farthing pledgeCharles I. Patt. 4.22
Afflictorvm conservatrixElizabeth I.2
A half peniCharles I. Patt. 15.26
And God direct our corse, covrs, or covrseCommonwealth, 5.30
And God direct our corse, covrs, or covrseCromwell, 3.35
Ante omnesCharles II. Patt. 1 (b).42
Armis tvteris moribvs ornesGeo. III. Patts. 12 & 14.105, 106
Armis tvteris moribvs ornesGeo. III. Patt. 26.111
Beati pacificiElizabeth.5
Bello et paceAnne 16.84
BritanniarumGeo. III. Patts. 34 & 35.115
British commercial pennyGeo. III. Patt. 25.111
British commercial half-pennyGeo. III. Patt. 26.111
British commercial quarter-pennyGeo. III. Patt. 27.111
Cambiendi svbs:Charles II. Patt. 31.56
Cambiendi svbsidivmCharles II. Patt. 37.58
Candore haec lilia vincitMary, Patt. 18.71
Carolvs a CaroloCharles II. 1 & 2.37, 38
Carolvs a CaroloCharles II. Patts. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19.46-50
Carolvs a CaroloCharles II. Patts. 29, 30 & 31.55, 56
Charitas Regia Lond: Restit:Charles II. Patts. 30.55
Charitie and ChangeCromwell, 2.35
Charitie and ChangeCromwell, 5.36
Cittie of LondonCharles I. Patt. 3.21
Commonwealth of EnglandCommonwealth, 10.34
Comons Peticion, theCommonwealth, 8.33
Convenient ChangeCromwell, 4.36
Do as you would be done byGeo. III. Patt. 13.105
E. D. G. Rosa Sine SpinaEliz. 5.3
Englands fardin, farding, farthing, or farthingsCommonwealth, 3.29
England, Scotland, France, IrelanCharles II. Patt. 2454
English copperWilliam and Mary, Patt. 566
Ex candore decvsWilliam and Mary, Patt. 18 & 20.71
Ex nocte diemCharles II. Patt. 38.58
Ex nocte diemWilliam and Mary, Patt. 19 & 20.71
Farthing pledge, aCharles I. Patt. 4.22
Farthing toakensCharles I. Patt. 2.21
Farthing tokens for, theCommonwealth, 2.28
Farthing token of the, theCommonwealth, 10.34
Farthing tokens of EnglandCommonwealth, 1.28
Fidei defensorCharles I. Patts. 8 & 9.24
Forebit in aevvmCharles I. Patts. 10 & 13.24, 25
For necessary cha, chan, chang or changeCommonwealth, 3.29
For necessary changeCommonwealth, 7.31
For necessity of changeCommonwealth, 1.28
God is our svn and shieldCommonwealth, 6.31
God preserve LondonSee London God preserve72
Half peni, aCharles I. Patt. 15.26
Hisce suffvltaWilliam and Mary, Patts. 11 & 14.68, 69
Hoc opvs deiElizabeth.5
Honi soit qui mal y penseCharles II. Patts. 34 & 35.57
Ignibvs imparWilliam and Mary, Patt. 12.69
Ignibvs imparWilliam and Mary, Patt. 21.72
Ista fama per aethera volatCharles II. Patt. 15.48
Jvngit amor patriaeq. salvsWilliam and Mary, Patts. 13 & 14.69
Jing's grace is, theCharles II. Patt. 8 & 9.45
LondonWilliam, Patt. 24.73
London God preserveWilliam, Patt. 23.72
Lord give thy blessingCharles I. Patt. 7.23
Magnae spes altera BritanniaeWilliam IV. 4.124
Marrian and Gavsby, d. Birm.Victoria131
Monetae InstavratorCharles II. Patt. 14.48
Non devioWilliam and Mary, Patt. 22.72
Nvmmorvm famvlvsCharles II. 3.40
Nvmmorvm famvlvsCharles II. Patt. 3457
Mvmmorvm famvlvsJames II. 1 & 2.59, 60
Mvmmorvm famvlvsWilliam and Mary, 1 & 2.61, 62
Nvmorvm famvlvsCharles II. Patts. 29 & 30.55
Our fovndation is a rockeCommonwealth, 6.31
P. King et ParliamentCharles I. Patt. 17.27
Payableat Cronebane Lodgeorin DvblinGeo. III. Patt. 26.111
Pax missa per orbemAnne, 13.83
Per mare trras or terrasCharles II. Patt. 35.57
Pitty the pooreCommonwealth, 9.33
Pledge of a penny, theElizabeth, 2.2
Pledge of a halfpenny, theElizabeth, 3.2
Poores relefe, theCommonwealth, 8.33
Poores releife, theCharles II. Patts. 8 & 9.45
Poores releife, theCharles II. Patt. 23.53
Pray for the kingCharles I. Patt. 7.23
Pro lege rege et gregeElizabeth, 6 & 7.4
Quatvor maria vindicoCharles II. Patts. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18 & 19.46-50
Qvarter (¼) ovnce of fine pewtrCommonwealth, 7.31
QviescitCharles II. Patt. a.42
Regit vnvs vtroqueCharles I. Patt. 11, 12, & 12A24, 25
Relefe of the pore, theCommonwealth, 2.28
Religo Lex LibertasWilliam and Mary, Patts. 11 & 14.68-69
Render to Cesar the things which are Cesar'sGeo. III. Patts. 3, 4 & 7.100-102
Rosa sine spinaElizabeth, 5, 6 & 7.3-5
Smith on Decimal Cvrrency, 1846Victoria131
Soli deo gloriaCharles II. Patt. 1.41
Svbsidivm cambiendiCharles II. Patt. 35.58
Svch God lovesCommonwealth, 9.33
Svch God lovesCharles II. Patts. 3 & 4.43
Terras charitas revisitCharles II. Patt. 36.58
The Comons PeticionCommonwealth, 8.33
The farthing token of theCommonwealth, 10.34
The farthing tokens forCommonwealth, 2.28
The king's grace isCharles II. Patts. 8 & 9.45
The pledge of a pennyElizabeth, 2.2
The pledge of a halfpennyElizabeth, 3.2
The poore's relefeCommonwealth, 8.33
The poore's releifeCharles II. Patts. 8 & 9.45
The poore's releifeCharles II. PAtt. 23.53
The relefe of the poreCommonwealth, 2.28
Thus [Thvs] vnited invincibleCommonwealth, 5.30
Thus [Thvs] vnited invincibleCromwell, 1.35
Thus [Thvs] vnited invincibleCharles II. Patts. 3, 5 & 7.43, 44
Trvth and PeaceCommonwealth, 4.30
Trvth and PeaceCharles II. Patts. 4 & 7.43, 44
Tvrris LondiniensisElizabeth, 5.3
Typus monetae Angl. aerisCharles I. Patt. 2.21
Vnum [Vnvm] a deo dvobus [dvobvs] svstineoElizabeth, 1.2
Victoria magnae spes altera BritanniaeWilliam IV.124
Vigebit in omne aevumGeo. III. Patt. 28.112
Vivat!Geo. III. Patt. 14.106

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