CHARLES I, 1625 TO 1648.
Charles I succeeded his father on the 27th of March, 1625, and was proclaimed the
following day; and on the
1st of April a commission was directed to the wardens of the mint, Sir Edward Villiers
and Sir Wm. Parkhurst, and others, to continue the mint at work according to the last
indenture of James I, which had expired upon his death. The dies of the late king were to
be used until others should be provided. The coins thus ordered to be made were Unites,
Double Crowns, and Britain Crowns, of “crown” gold, and Rose Ryals, Spur Ryals, and
Angels of the old standard or “angel” gold, and, excepting that no Ryals were actually
coined, and that during the civil war £3 pieces were issued at Oxford, no alteration was
afterwards made during the reign either in the denominations of the coins or in the purity
of the metal. Considering the straits to which the king was often driven for want of
money, and considering that Henry VIII, Elizabeth, and James I, had all either increased
the nominal value of the coins or diminished the quantity of gold contained in them, this
fact must be considered creditable to Charles I and his advisers. There was indeed a
Commission issued on the 14th of August, 1626, which, after stating that the king had
resolved to continue his monies, to be coined at his mint, of the same standard as they
then were, proceeds to order that the pound of crown gold should be made into £44 by
tale (£41 being the amount previously fixed) and the pound of silver into £3. 10s 6d (instead
of £3. 2s). The Commission contains no recital of an intention to diminish the weight of
the coins, and it is probable that no such intention existed, and that the sums named were
inserted by mistake, for on the 4th of September a proclamation was issued that all
monies of gold and silver coined since the 1st day of August in any other manner than
according to the proclamations which were in force on that day, should be esteemed as
bullion and not be current; and a commission of the 7th of September to Villiers and
Parkhurst, and an indenture of the 8th of November with Sir Robert Harley, fixed the
same weights as in the last indenture of James I. Angels were not coined after 1634, and
ever since that time crown gold has been the only standard used for the coins.
Several mints besides that in the Tower were used during this reign, both before and after
the breaking out of the civil war, but those at Bristol and Oxford are the only ones at
which gold is known to have been coined. The legends introduced by James I were all
discontinued, and instead of them were used “Amor Populi Praesidium Regis,” “Florent Concordi
Regna,” and “Cultores sui Deus Protegit;” but during the civil wars “Exurgat Deus
dissipentur inimici” (Ps. lxviii. 1) was revived upon the coins struck by the king’s party,
together with an abbreviation of “Religio Protestans, Leges Angli Libertas Parliamenti,”
referring to Charles’s declaration at Wellington, September 19th, 1642, that he would
“preserve the Protestant religion, the known laws of the land, and the just privileges and
freedom of Parliament.” The type upon which this inscription occurs is hence called the
“Declaration” type.
No legal currency was given to any foreign gold coins during this reign, though about the
year 1644 several are said to have been commonly current in the southern and western
The types and descriptions of the various coins are as follows :—
UNITES. Value 20s.
Weight 140 20/41 grs. Fineness 22 cts. These are of several different types, corresponding to a
great extent with those of the silver shillings. The dates of the various mint-marks are
given in the table on p. 165.
TOWER MINT. Type 1. King’s bust in profile to left, crowned, with ruff, royal mantle,
and collar of the garter, XX behind head. Two inner circles, the innermost thin and plain,
the outermost beaded. CAROLVS D. G. MAG. BR.
FR. ET HI. REX. Rev, square shield garnished, the crown over it divides the legend.
Inner circles as on obv. The harp in the arms has a bird’s or griffin’s head. FLORENT:
CONCORDIA: REGNA: MM lis. (113) MB. Rud. xiii. 1 reads BRI, and has a different
arrangement of dots. MM cross on step, same, but only one inner circle on obv., no stops
on rev. MONTAGU.
Type la. Different bust, crowned, with ruff, armour nearly concealed by scarf fastened on
left shoulder, only one inner circle, which is beaded, and is slightly pierced both by
crown above and by front of scarf below. The rest of the bust does not touch the inner
circle. XX behind head. Rev, square shield very slightly garnished. The harp always has a
griffin’s head except with the Plume mint-mark. MM cross on step. Legends as type 1,
but only one dot after Regna. THORBURN. Or BRIT. FRA., dot after Carolus, Et, and
Regna, none after other words on rev. MB. MM negro’s head, legends as type 1, but two
dots instead of one on obv., none after Rex or on rev. MB. Or reading CAROLVS. D: G:
FR. ET. HIB. REX., one dot after each word on rev. MB. Or BR., no dots on rev.
EVANS. MM castle, legends and dots as type 1, but dot before Carolus, none after Rex
or on rev. MB. Or dot before Carolus and after every word except Carolus on obv., none
on rev. MB. Or reading BRI, dot before Carolus and after every word except HI on obv.,
one before and after rev, legend, but none between words on rev. MB. BRI, no dots
except after D and G. THORBURN. Or BR, HIB, dot before Carolus and after every
word on obv., none on rev. MB. MM anchor, BR. FRA. ET HIB., dot after every word on
obv. except Et and Rex, none on rev. MB. Or with the obv. mint-mark placed under the
bust, ..BRI FRA. ET. H., dot after every word on obv., none on rev. MB. Or reading
MA. BR. FR ET HI, no stops on rev. MONTAGU. MM heart, much neater
workmanship, plain inner circle on both sides within beaded one, .CAROLVS. D. G.
MA. BR .. FR. ET. HI. REX., dot after every word on rev. and after rev, mint-mark. MB.
MM obv. heart, rev, plume. HIB. Plain circle on both sides of beaded inner circle.
EVANS. MM plume, like the last but one, but : after the abbreviated words on obv., no
stops between words on rev., no plain inner circle on rev. MB. One with MM plume and
with the same bust as the preceding ones has a thick plain inner circle on obv. and reads
FR: ET HI: REX Rev, like the next type, with dot before Florent, after every word, and
after mint-mark. MB.
Type 2. Obverse nearly the same, but rather more armour visible. CAROLVS. D. G.
MAG. BRIT. FR. ET. HIB. REX. Rev, oval shield garnished, crowned, between C and R,
dot in field each side of crown. .FLORENT. CONCORDIA. REGNA. Dot after mint-mark. Plain inner circle within beaded one on both sides. MM plume. MB. Rud. xiii. 4.
Or with dot before Carolus, none before Florent. MB. MM large rose, no plain inner
circle on rev., no dot before Carolus or Florent. MB. Or BRI. FRA., as first of this type
but no plain inner circle on obv. MB. Or MM small rose on obv., large rose on rev. BR.
FR. ET. HI. Rude workmanship. EVANS.
Type 3. Bust crowned to left, in armour, face larger, no ruff nor scarf, long hair, lovelock
on left shoulder, deep falling collar edged with lace, ribbon of the garter suspended on
breast. XX behind head. .CAROLVS. D. G. MAG. BRIT. FRA. ET. HIB. REX. Rev,
oval shield garnished, different from the last, crowned, between C and R crowned.
Beaded inner circle on both sides interrupted by crown. FLORENT CONCORDIA
REGNA, MM harp. MB. Rud. xiii. 5 reads BRI. FR. MM portcullis, bust rather smaller,
less shoulder visible, BR. FR. ET. HI. No dot before or after obv. legend, one after
Florent and Concordia, three after Regna. MB. Or HIB, with no stops on rev. MONTAGU. MM bell, .CAROLVS. D. G. MA. BR. FR. ET. HIB. REX. Dot before Florent,
after every word on rev. and. after rev. mint-mark. MB. MM crown, as bell
but HI, no dots on rev. MB. MM ton, as crown, but dot between words on rev. MB. MM
prostrate anchor, as bell, but no dot before Florent or after Regna. MB. Or reading B. FR.
ET. HI :: THORBURN. MM (P), as bell, but MAG. BRI. FRA. MB. This coin is later
than most of those next to be described, as the (P) mint-mark is placed by Folkes and
Ruding immediately before, and by Pollet, who is probably right, immediately after the
(R) mint-mark.
The following are of similar type, but the face is more marked, the armour different, the
lace on the collar of a stellate pattern. MM triangle, CAROLVS. D. G. MAG. BRI. FRA.
ET. HIB. REX, dot after every word on rev. and after rev, mint-mark. (114) MB. MM
star, same with dot each side of obv. mint-mark. MB. MM triangle within circle, as last.
MB. Or reading FLORRENT by mistake for Florent. THORBURN. MM (R),bust very
slightly different, dot before Florent, otherwise as last. MB. One with MM eye is mentioned
in Num. Chron., i, p. 33. With bust different, hair brushed more forward, collar smaller
and lace of a different pattern, armour different, harp in arms much smaller, MM sun,
legends as star. MB. MM sceptre, same, with legends as triangle. MB.
BRIOT. The coins executed by Nicholas Briot, who was first employed in England in
1628, and was appointed chief engraver in 1633, are smaller and much neater and better
executed than the others. 1. Bust similar to type 3 but better executed, with scarf fastened
by rosette over left shoulder, .XX. behind head. CAROLVS. D. G. MAGN. BRITANN.
FRAN. ET. HIB. REX. Rev. Square shield garnished, crowned, between C and R
crowned, a lozenge beneath each of these letters. .FLORENT. CONCORDIA. REGNA.
MM on obv. flower with B (for Briot) under it, on rev. B only. The dots are all lozenge
shaped. (115). MB.
2. Same but B to left of, instead of under, obv. MM, HIBER for Hib. Rev. C and R
placed higher in the field, no lozenge under them, nor before or after legend. MB. Rud.
xiv. 1 is like this but reads BRITAN and HIB
and has lozenge before and after rev, legend. 3. Bust like that on the coins with MM triangle,
&c., letters behind head larger. .CAROLVS. D: G. MAG. BRIT. FR. ET. HIB. REX.
Rev, similar to the last but one. FLORENT. CONOORDIA. REGNA. MM anchor. Dots
all lozenge shaped. MB. There is no B on this coin to show that it was executed by Briot,
but there is a B on a shilling with the same MM.
OXFORD UNITES. The mint originally established for coining silver at Aberystwith,
and brought from that place to Shrewsbury at the beginning of the civil war, was removed
to Oxford and set up there in New Inn Hall on the 3rd of January, 1642 (old style), under
the direction of Sir William Parkhurst and Thomas Bushell. The only distinction between
the coins struck at Shrewsbury and at Oxford in 1642, seems to be in the form of the
plumes in the field of the coins, the plumes on the Shrewsbury coins springing from a
large coronet with no bands under it, those on the Oxford ones from a small coronet with
bands. We are not aware of the existence ot any Shrewsbury gold coins, but the following
varieties were struck at Oxford.
1642. Half-length figure in profile to left descending to inner circle, crowned, in armour,
plain falling collar, large sword upright in right hand, olive branch in left, XX behind
ET: HI: REX. Rev. Inscription in two lines across the field, RELIG: PROT: LEG ANG:
LIBER: PAR, a wavy line above, between, and below the two rows of words, three
plumes, with bands beneath them, above, 1642 below. Legend EXVRGAT: DEVS:
INIMICI: No MM. (116) MB. For the meaning of the inscription see ante, p. 150.
1643. The workmanship in this year is decidedly better than in 1642.
1. Bust descends through inner circle to edge of coin, hair much longer, deep falling lace
collar, longer sword in
right hand, longer olive branch in left, badge of the Garter suspended by chain on breast,
XX behind head. Legend begins at bottom of coin. .CAROLVS. D: G: M: BR:
FR: ET. HI: REX. Rev, type as the last, but the inscription is in three lines and is placed
on a scroll connected with the inner circle, so that the legend and inscription read
PAR. No MM. Date 1643 below scroll, three plumes above it. MB.
2. Obv. same. Rev, similar but scroll shaped rather differently, no dot before Exurgat, one
after each word of legend and before Leg, ANGL: for Ang. MB. This is almost identical
with a double crown, Rud. xiii. 11, post, p. 162.
3. Obv. similar, but the figure does not descend through the inner circle, the crown
slightly pierces it above. A good deal of the lace collar is shown behind the hair and over
the left shoulder, the olive branch slopes backwards more than on the previous coins. The
legend begins at the top of the coin, CAROLVS: D: G: MAG: BRIT: FR:
ET: HI: REX. Rev, scroll shaped as on No. 2, EXVRGAT:
LEG: ANG LIBER: PAR Plumes above, 1643 below. MB.
4. Obv. similar to the last, but the figure is smaller and the crown does not pierce the
inner circle; no collar visible behind the hair, the badge suspended on the breast is larger
and much more prominent. Legend CAROLVS:
D: G. MAG: BR: FR: ET: HIBER: REX Rev, similar to the last, EXVRGAT. DEVS.
5. Obv. from the same die as the last. Rev, scroll of different shape, otherwise as No.3 but
1644. 1. Similar to 4 but figure different, medal on breast and letters behind head much
smaller, olive branch much larger. MM very small plume. CAROLVS. D:
G: MAG: BRI: FR: ET. HIB: REX. Rev, like 1643
(1), but date 1644, with OX for Oxford below it. .EXVRGAT DEVS. DISSIPENTVR.
PROT LEG: .ANG: LIBER: PAR. MB. Rud. xiii. 10.
2. Figure similar but placed lower in field, interrupting inner circle but not legend, head
and crown larger. MM plume, and legend as last but BR:, HI :, dot before Carolus. Rev.
Inscription in three lines across field within inner circle, a straight line above and below
it, three plumes between two lozenges above it, 1644/OX below. EXVRGAT. DEVS.
dots are lozenge-shaped, except those between the words of the inscription. MB.
1645. Bust almost identical with the first of 1644 but placed rather lower in field, olive
branch smaller, MM and legend same but BRIT:, HI:, two dots between every word. Rev,
similar but scroll of different shape, date 1645, without OX, below it; no dot before
Exurgat, one after it, two after Prot, none after Par. MB.
1646. Bust similar, but neater and better executed. No MM. CAROLVS. D: G : MAG :
BRI : FRAN : ET. HIB : REX. Rev, usual legend on a band round the field, the ends of
which are separated at the top of the coin by the MM plume. Dot between each word. Inscription in three lines on wavy scroll, RELIG : PRO LEG : ANG LIBER: PAR Nothing
except the MM above it, 1644/OX below. (117) MB.
BRISTOL UNITE. Bust similar to the second Oxford one of 1644, but ruder, collar of
different shape, sword very small, crown pierces inner circle, which is not interrupted by
the bust. The letters XX behind the head are large. MM BR in monogram. .CAROLVS.
D : G : MAG : BR :
FR : ET : H : REX. Rev. Inscription on scroll continuous with the legend, but divided
from it by the monogram BR; three very small plumes above inscription, 1645 below.
PRO LEG: AN. LIB : PA: MB. This, as well as some
silver coins of dates from 1643 to 1645, is ascribed on account of the mint-mark to
Bristol, which was in the king’s hands during those years. The workmen for this mint
must no doubt have been brought from Oxford. A specimen of this coin was sold for £29
at Capt. Murchison’s sale in 1864. Num. Chr., N. S., iv. 229. That in the Museum was
bought for £12. Compare the Double Crown (124).
UNCERTAIN UNITES. 1. Small rude bust, copied from the Tower Unite with MM
triangle. The type of the whole coin is the same, but the execution much ruder. MM
plume. : CAROLVS. D. G. MA. BR. FR. ET. HI.
REX: Rev. .FLORENT. CONCORDIA. REGNA. Dot after mint-mark. MB. It seems not
improbable that this may have been executed at Aberystwith, though we know no record
of gold having been coined there. The mint at Aberystwith was worked from 1637 or
1638 to 1642, and the type of some of the silver coins struck there is identical with that of
the coins struck at the Tower with the triangle MM, the date of which is 1639. The
mint-marks on the Aberystwith silver coins are a Book or a Crown, but all coins struck there
were ordered to be marked on both sides with a plume, and this Unite, which has the
plume on one side though not on both, may have been struck at Aberyst with during the
period of confusion in 1642, while the regular workmen of the mint were removing to
Shrewsbury and Oxford. (See Hawkins’s “Silver Coins,” 2nd ed., pp. 316, 322.)
2. Type like an uncertain shilling, Hks. (530), Rud.
E. 11, but no dots on armour, medal on breast much smaller,
XX behind head. Shield oval, garniture similar but not
identical with that on the shilling, crowned, between C and
R crowned. MM on obv. only, uncertain. CAROLVS:
CONCORDIA° REGNA: MB. The silver coins of this
type resemble those which are believed to have been
struck at Weymouth, and they as well as this gold coin
were probably therefore produced there, or at least by the same artists.
THREE POUND PIECES. Value 60s. Weight 421 19/41 grs. Fineness 22 cts. These are all of
the type of the Oxford Unites, and were all probably struck in that city. Like the silver
pounds, they occur of the dates 1642 to 1644.
1642. 1. Exactly like the Unite of 1642, but plume with bands below it instead of the
figures behind the head, and rev, inscription in three lines across the field, .III., indicating the value, and three plumes, above it, 1642 below. MM plume on obv.
ANG LIBER: PAR MB. Rud. xiii. 9 is similar, but reads
FRAN: ET : HI : and has only two dots before Exurgat.
2. Similar, but king’s figure smaller, not touching inner circle, sword smaller, FRAN: ET:
HI : Rev, similar, but the inscription is on a scroll in continuation of the inner circle.
LEGI : Only one dot before Exurgat. MB.
1643. 1. Same as the last, but inner circle is made part of the scroll; LEG : Date 1643.
MB. The reverse is identical with that of the first Unite of 1643, except for the .III.
above the inscription.
2. Obv. like the first Unite of 1643, but the bust is confined within the inner circle, and
has a large scarf flowing out behind it, and plume instead of figures behind the head. The
legend begins at the top of the coin, CAROLVS : D : G : MAGN: BRIT : FR: ET : HI :
REX MM plume. Rev, almost exactly the same as Unite No. 5, but EXVRGAT : DEVS :
3. Like last but without scarf, figure rather smaller, FRAN: ET : HIB : REX.: Only one
dot after Carolus and
G. Rev, identical with the Unite of 1643, No. 4, except
that it has III above the scroll, and has: after PROT as well as before LEG. MB.
4. Obv. from same die as last. Rev, similar, but a rosette each side of III, two after each
word in legend and inscription except Par, three after Prot, two before Leg, one before
Liber and after Par. OXON in small letters under date, rosette each side of it and each side
of date. (118) MB. Very rare.
1644. 1. Bust almost the same as Unite of 1643, No. 3, coin considerably smaller and
thicker than the former ones.
MM plume. Rev. Scroll of rather different shape from the last, legend and inscription the
same, plumes above scroll very small, 1644/OX below it. Lozenge each side of III and date,
after Relig, Leg, Ang, and Liber, and before Leg, two before Exurgat and between words
of legend, one between four dots after Inimici. MB.
2. Obv. from same die as last. Rev, same but OXON, dots instead of lozenges, one
between each word of legend, after Liber, and each side of date and Oxon, two after
Relig, Leg, Ang, and Par, and before Leg, five after Inimici. MB.
3. As last but coin still smaller and thicker, crown does not pierce inner circle, lozenges
instead of dots on obv. Rev. as last, but of rather neater execution, plumes larger, one dot
after each word of legend, two after each word of inscription and before Leg, one each
side of date and Oxon. MB.
ANGEL. Value 10s. Weight 64 64/89 grs. Old Standard. Obv. St. Michael and the Dragon, as
usual. Spear pierces dragon’s mouth and comes out the other side. Two inner circles, the
innermost plain, the other beaded. CAROLVS. D. G: MAG: BRI: FR: ET. HI: REX
Rev, as James I’s latest angels. AMOR. POPVLI. PRAESIDIVM. REGIS:
MM cross on step, placed to left of St. Michael’s head and right of mast. (119) MB. MM
negro’s head, X in field by Dragon’s head, rev. mint-mark to left of mast, FRA. ET. HIB.,
on one dot between each word, none at end of
legends. MB. MM castle, as cross on step but X in field by St. Michael’s left wing, rev,
mint-mark to left of mast, no dots after Regis. MB. MM anchor, same but :
after D on obv., no stops on rev. MB. MM heart, bought by Mr. Shepherd at Mr. Cuff’s
sale. MM rose, X under St. Michael’s right wing, pellet between his legs above the
dragon. Only one dot between words on obv., none on rev. MB. The mint-mark on this
specimen seems to be struck over the preceding MM plume. MM portcullis, as last but
BRIT. FRA., dot after Rex and between words on rev. MB. MM bell, as last, dot after
rev, mint-mark. Rud. xiii.
8. This is erroneously stated to be in the British Museum.
BRIOT. Like the other angels,
but the coin is considerably smaller and the workmanship neater. Type as before but St.
Michael’s figure is smaller and has both legs straight, X under his left wing. CAROLVS.
D: G. MAG. BRITANN. FRAN. ET. HIB. REX. Rev, more rigging visible, the harp on
the sail not concealed, as on the other coins, by the foremast, cannons protruding from the
port holes, no flag above sail but one marked with cross at stern, no lion on prow or stern
but small B (for Briot) in front of prow, with lozenge above and below. AMOR.
POPVLI. PRAESIDIVM. REGIS. All the stops are lozenge-shaped. MB. Rud. Suppl. vi.
DOUBLE CROWN. Value 10s. Weight 70 10/41 grs. Fineness 22 cts. These correspond in
type to the Unites. They all have X behind the head, to indicate the value.
Type 1. Like Unites type 1, but shield rather differently garnished. CAROLVS. D. G.
lis, which on rev, is to right of crown. MB. Or with rev. MM to left of crown, : after D,
Mag, Br, Fr, and Hib, before Cultores, after each word on rev., and after rev.
MB. Rud. xiii. 2 reads HI: and has the stops rather different.
Type 1a, like Unites type 1a, but the crown does not
pierce the inner circle. CAROLVS: D: G: MAG: BRI
MM negro’s head, same with no inner circle, BR. FR., one dot before Carolus, after
every word, and each side of rev. mint-mark. MB. MM castle, as last but no dot before
or after Carolus or after Et, two between the other words on obv., one after Rex, none on
rev. MB. Or reading BRI. FR. ET. HIB., only one dot between each word on obv.
THORBURN. MM anchor, as cross on step, but no inner circle on obv., BR: FR :, no
dots after Carolus, Et, or Rex, one between each word on rev., beaded inner circle on rev.
MB. Or MA. BR. FR. ET. HIB., faint plain inner circle on rev. EVANS. MM heart. These
differ slightly by having the front part of the bust descending nearly to the edge of the
coin and dividing the legend. The X in the field is larger than before, and there is an inner
circle on both sides. Legends as first with MM lis, but MA., HI., no dot after Rex. MB.
Or with dot after every word on both sides, except Sui; before Cultores, and after rev,
mint-mark. (120) MB. Or with dot also after Sui, none after Rex or before Cultores. MB.
MM plume, bust similar but smaller, dividing inner circle but not legend; X smaller. Rev,
as before but the harp is smaller and has no head. Inner circle both sides. Legends as first
with MM lis but MA., dot after every word and before Cultores, and after rev, mint-mark.
MB. Or legends as first with MM plume but HI., plain and beaded inner circle on rev.
Type 2. Like Unites type 2 but no dot each side of crown on rev. MM rose. Legends as
first with MM lis, dot after every word on both sides except Carolus, before Carolus and
after rev, mint-mark. (121) MB.
Type 3. Like Unites type 3, but bust not the same, confined within inner circle, lace
different, more hair, MM rose, that on obv. being much larger than that on rev. and of a
different shape. Legends as first with MM lis but
MA., HI., dot after every word except Rex, two before Cultores. MB.
With bust like Unites type 3, but confined within inner circle. MM harp. .CAROLVS. D.
MB. MM portcullis, same with dot between each word on rev. MB. MM bell, MA. BR.
FR. ET. HI. Dot after each word on rev, and after rev, mint-mark. MB. Rud. xiii. 6.
MM crown, as last but no dot either side of rev, mint-mark. MB. MM upright anchor,
copied from the last but ruder, legends as MM bell, but no dot before or after obv. legend,
dot between each word on rev. and after rev, mint-mark. MB. MM prostrate anchor,
similar to but not identical with the last, dot before Carolus. MB. MM triangle, identical
with last, but FRA. ET. HIB., dots on obv. as MM harp. MB.
With bust similar but broader, the figures in the shield larger, and letters and crowns on
each side ofshield larger. MM star. Legends as MM harp but BRI: FRA: ET. HI:, no dot
before or after Carolus, one after every word on rev, and after rev, mint-mark. MB.
BRIOT. 1. Exactly like Briot’s first Unite, but .BRITAN., no lozenge after Rex, rev,
legend CVLTORES. SVI. DEVS. PROTEGIT. All the dots are lozenge shaped. MB.
2. Same, but lozenge with B under it instead of mint-mark on obv., MAG. BRITAN.,
lozenge after Rex. MB.
3. Obv. exactly like Briot’s second Unite, but MAG. BRITAN. FRAN. ET. HIB. REX
Rev, same as the last two. MB. Rud. xiv. 2.
OXFORD DOUBLE CROWNS. 1642. Coin very broad and thin, bust copied from type
3 but ruder workmanship, within inner, circle; .X. behind head. MM plume. CAROLVS : D : G : MAG : BR. FR : ET : HI: REX Rev.
Type like the Oxford Unites, inscription on scroll which is
connected with the inner circle, three plumes, with bands under them, above it, 1642 below.
LIBER : PAR. (123) MB.
1643. Bust much larger, lace and armour different, bust descends to edge of coin, legend
begins at bottom, and is the same as on the first Unite of 1643 (p. 154), except that there
is no dot before Carolus. Rev, same as second Unite of 1643, with small annulets for
stops. There is one before Exurgat and Liber, and after every word. MB. Rud. xiii. 11.
1644. A coin similar to the last but reading MAG:, and with the date 1644, OX, is said to
have been sold at Miss Currer’s sale in 1862, in extremely fine preservation, for £43, and
another, very fine, with four pellets and a lozenge after Inimici, at Capt. Murchison’s sale
in 1864 for £40. Num. Chr., N. S., ii. 232; iv. 229.
BRISTOL DOUBLE CROWN. Like the Bristol Unite, but bust small, entirely confined
within inner circle. MM in monogram between two plumes. .CAROLVS. D. G. MAG : B
LIB : PAR: Monogram BR. between legend and inscrip tion. Date under scroll, 1645.
(124) MB.
BRITAIN CROWN. Value 5s. Weight 35 5/41 grs. Fineness 22 cts. These correspond in type
to the double crowns, but have V instead of X behind the head.
Type 1. MM lis, exactly like the first double crown with MM on rev, to right of crown,
but HI. instead of HIB. MB. Rud. xiii. 3 reads BRI. for Br. and omits the reverse mint-mark.
Type 1a. MM cross on step, like double crown with same mint-mark. CAROLVS. D. G.
MAG. BR. FR. ET HI. REX Rev. CVLTORES. SVI. DEVS. PROTEG, dot after rev.
mint-mark. MB. MM negro’s head, same, but breast divides legend, MA., PROTEGIT,
dot before Carolus, none on rev. MB. MM castle, no inner circle, breast does not divide
legend, CAROLVS D: G: MA: BR : FR ET.
no stops on rev., : after Fr and Hi, none after Et. MB. MM heart, like negro’s head, but
smaller and neater. Dot after every word except. Protegit, one before Carolus, Fr, and
Cultores, and after rev, mint-mark, two after D, G, Ma, Fr, and Hi. MB. MM plume,
same, with no dots on rev. MB.
Type 3. MM harp, like double crown with same mint-mark, but reading BR. FR. ET.
HI., and with no inner circle. THORBURN. MM portcullis, like double crown with same
mint-mark. CAROLVS. D. G. MA. BR. FR. ET.
MB. MM crown, same with dot before and after obv. legend, none on rev., shield on rev,
smaller. MB. MM ton, as last, but dots as portcullis. MB. Rud. xiii. 7. MM anchor,
prostrate on obv., upright on rev., bust slightly different, hair finer, legends as portcullis
but no dot after Hi, shield as crown and ton. (125) MB. MM triangle, type copied from
PROTEGIT MB. MM star, same as last but D: G:
MA BR: FR: ET HI MB. On this coin the MM star on the obverse is struck over a
triangle. MM triangle in circle, same as triangle but MAG. BR. FR. ET. HIB.
THORBURN. MM (P) on obv. only, type as MM crown, legends as triangle but FRA.
MB. MM sun, type as crown, .CAROLVS. D: G: MAG: BRI: FRA: ET. HIB:
REX. Rev, as triangle. MB.
BRIOT. Same as his second double crown, but obv. legend CAROLVS. D: G. MAG.
No gold coins of this small denomination seem to have been struck at any of the
provincial mints.
The dates attached to the mint-marks in the following table are those given by Ruding,
who copied them from Folkes.
Unite. |
£3. |
* Angel. |
Double Cr. |
Brit. Cr. |
TYPE 1. |
Lis, 1625. Bust in ruff and collar of garter; sq. shield |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Cross on step, 1625, 1626 |
Montagu |
TYPE 1a. |
Cross on step, 1625, 1626. Bust in ruff, armour, sq. shield |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Negro's head, 1626, 1627 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Castle, 1627 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Anchor, 1628 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Heart, 1629 |
+ |
Cuff |
+ |
+ |
Heart, rev. Plume |
Evans |
Plume, 1630 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Plume, 1630, oval sh. |
+ |
TYPE 2. |
Plume, 1630, Bust in ruff, armour, oval sh. |
+ |
Rose, 1631 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
TYPE 3. |
Rose, 1631, Bust in collar, oval shield |
+ |
Harp, 1632 |
+ |
+ |
Thorburn |
Portcullis, 1633 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Bell, 1634 |
+ |
Rud. |
+ |
Crown, 1635 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Ton, 1636-1638 |
+ |
+ |
Upright Anchor, 1638 |
+ |
Prostrate Anchor, 1638 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Triangle, 1639 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Star, 1640 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Triangle in circle, 1641 |
+ |
Thorburn |
(P), 1643 |
+ |
+ |
(R), 1644 |
+ |
Eye, 1645 |
NC |
Sun, 1645 |
+ |
+ |
Sceptre, 1646 |
+ |
Flower and B, rev. B., 1632 |
+ |
+ |
No MM on obv., rev. B. |
+ |
B on both sides |
+ |
+ |
Anchor, 1638 |
+ |
1642, Declaration type |
+ |
1642, MM plume |
+ |
+ |
1643, Declaration type |
+ |
+ |
1643, MM plume |
+ |
1643, Oxon, MM plume |
+ |
1644, Ox., MM plume |
+ |
+ |
NC |
1644, Oxon, MM plume |
+ |
1645, MM plume |
+ |
1646 Ox., MM plume |
+ |
1645, BR, declaration type |
+ |
+ |
Plume, bust in collar, oval shield |
+ |
A round object |
+ |
* The descriptions of type do not apply to the angels.
James I (1603-1625) |
Table of Contents |
Commonwealth (1648-1660)