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Coins of China

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Cr-272C Cash (1735 - 1796 AD)
Characters CHIEN LUNG above and below and TUNG PAO left and right of central square hole
CHIEN LUNG TUNG PAO (Coinage of Celestial Benefit)
Characters to left and right of square hole
BOO (PAO in Manchu) to left of square hole, Board of Revenue Peking Mint character to right
 Cash of
Cr-272C Cash (1735 - 1796 AD)
Characters CHIEN LUNG above and below and TUNG PAO left and right of central square hole
CHIEN LUNG TUNG PAO (Coinage of Celestial Benefit)
Characters to left and right of square hole
BOO (PAO in Manchu) to left of square hole, Board of Public Works Peking Mint character to right
 Cash of
Cr-272C Cash (1735 - 1796 AD)
Characters CHIEN LUNG above and below and TUNG PAO left and right of central square hole
CHIEN LUNG TUNG PAO (Coinage of Celestial Benefit)
Characters to left and right of square hole
BOO (PAO in Manchu) to left of square hole, Board of Public Works Peking Mint character to right
 Cash of
Cr-272C Cash (1735 - 1796 AD)
Characters CHIEN LUNG above and below and TUNG PAO left and right of central square hole
CHIEN LUNG TUNG PAO (Coinage of Celestial Benefit)
Characters to left and right of square hole
BOO (PAO in Manchu) to left of square hole, Board of Public Works Peking Mint character to right
 Cash of
Cr-273 Cash (1796 - 1820 AD)
Characters CHIA CHING above and below and TUNG PAO left and right of central square hole
CHIA CHING TUNG PAO (Coinage of Increasing Good)
Characters to left and right of square hole
BOO (PAO in Manchu) to left of square hole, Board of Public Works Peking Mint character to right
 Cash of
Cr-273 Cash (1796 - 1820 AD)
Characters CHIA CHING above and below and TUNG PAO left and right of central square hole
CHIA CHING TUNG PAO (Coinage of Increasing Good)
Characters to left and right of square hole
BOO (PAO in Manchu) to left of square hole, Board of Revenue Peking Mint character to right
 Cash of

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