Double-headed eagle with wings spread facing, scepter in left talon, globe in right
No Legend
Crowned value and date within wreath
10 KOΠБEKЪ date
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O Double-headed eagle with wings spread facing, scepter in left talon, globe in right No Legend R Crowned value and date within wreath 10 KOΠБEKЪ date O Hammer and sickle above sun with rays, all within wreath, star above ΠPOΛETAPИИ BCEX CTPAH, COEДИHЯЙTECЬ! R Worker with hammer standing right, holding shield bearing 10, date above shield COЮЗCOBETCKИX COЦИAЛИ date 10 KOП CTИЦECKИX PECПУБЛИK O Hammer and sickle above sun with rays, all within wreath, star above ΠPOΛETAPИИ BCEX CTPAH, COEДИHЯЙTECЬ! R Worker with hammer standing right, holding shield bearing 15, date above shield COЮЗCOBETCKИX COЦИAЛИ date 15 KOП CTИЦECKИX PECПУБЛИK O Hammer and sickle overlain on globe above sun with rays, all within wreath or sheaf of wheat stalks, star above CCCP R Denomination and date within wreath 1 KOПEЙKA date O Hammer and sickle overlain on globe above sun with rays, all within wreath or sheaf of wheat stalks, star above CCCP R Denomination and date within wreath 2 KOПEЙKИ date
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Kopek Coins