Stylized head left, divided into three parts
No Legend
Legend in three lines
50 F BELGIE date
O Stylized head left, divided into three parts No Legend R Legend in three lines 50 F BELGIE date O Liberty walking left, sun with rays on right in background REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE R Stalk below value LIBERTE EGALITE FRATERNITE 1/2 FRANC date O Napolean III left NAPOLEAN III EMPERUR BB R Crowned arms with crossed scepters behind EMPIRE FRANCAISE 1 F date O Liberty walking left, sun with rays on right in background REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE R Stalk below value LIBERTE EGALITE FRATERNITE 1 FRANC date O Mercury with winged cap seated left holding caduceus COMMERCE INDUSTRIE date R Value within inner circle, legend around CHAMBRES DE COMMERCE DE FRANCE BON POUR 1 FRANCFranc Coins